Youth Retreats
Weekend retreats are an excellent way to go deeper in your faith and focus on important relationships over a short period of time, away from the regular demands of life. Throughout the year there will be many opportunities to participate.
Sr. High Watch Retreat (Theme:Identity)
Watch Retreat is a weekend to explore what you believe and why you believe it with friends, fun, and taking a step towards making your faith your own. Oct. 4-5 we will focus on where we find our identity. Is it in your friends? Family? Gender? Beliefs? Or is your identity given to you? If you are in grades 9-12 please register here
12 to 12
All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to the 12 to 12 retreat. 12 to 12 is a one-day retreat that runs from noon to midnight. In this 12-hour event we want to dive into solid Biblical teaching, grow in our individual faith, and connect deeper to what God's doing in our lives. Click here for more details and to register.
Youth Quake
A party with a purpose at Briercrest Bible College. May 2-4. Registration opens Friday, November 1st. Please click here to register.
Camping Trip
All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to go camping! Our focus for this retreat is to take time away from the business of life and abide in Christ through reflection, sharing and worship. We will have fun together as a group while encouraging one another to endure in the faith. More Information to come about dates and times.